Magdalene’s Black Rose

Books & e-Books

by Mary Clarice McChrist:

  • Magdalene's Black Rose: The Love Story of Jesus and
         His Beloved -
    Softcover Color $22.00,
  • The Blessed Mother’s Blue Rose of the Healing Heart -
           Softcover - $19.95
  • The Child’s Golden Age Handbook - Softcover -. 2016 
  • Homage to the Buddhas - Softcover Color - $24.95.
  • Virgin Guadalupe’s Gifts & Prayers - e-Lit Awards Illuminating Digital Publishing Excellence *2010 Silver Medal Winner for Inspirational/ Spiritual. - Softcover Color - $24.95
  • Heart of the Mother - Softcover Color - $22.00, e-Book  $19.00
  • Prayers from the Holy Family -  Softcover $24.95
  • The Keys to the Golden Age - New Edition coming in 2016.
  • Archangelic Rainbow Healing Manual - Softcover - 2016
  • The God Project - Free - e-Book on

Teleconference Calls:

Blue Rose World Service Prayer Calls (free)
Sunday 8:00-9:30 A.M. P.T., Wednesday 8:00-9:00 AM and Thursday 6:00-7:00 PM PST
A.M. P.T. Phone: 302-202-1092  Code: 491695#  

Monthly Teleconference Call:


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